Friday, February 15, 2008

Fantastic February

Hi! We are having a lot of fun lately and we wanted to share what we've been up to.
Pierce says a whole bunch of new words everyday! Some of them come out really funny, like when we say "Ew, you're stinky,"and he says "kinky." And "jello" is "lolo," but he calls snow "lolo" too. There is a picture on our refrigerator of Eva Mae LeFevre sitting on Santa's lap (only on OUR fridge, I know!) and everytime Pierce sees it, he says "danta" for Santa. This week he also started communicating his needs more through words. I was overjoyed when he said "eat now" instead of the usual whine until mom figueres out what I want. Today he started telling us exactly what he wants to eat too: "keez" (cheese). All the time.
When Daniel came home last Friday, I said, "Let's go to Myrtle Beach." So Daniel found a great deal on a hotel there. The hotel had indoor heated swimming pools, hot tubs, a heated lazy river, and a sauna and it was right on the beach. We left that night and got to Myrtle Beach around 10pm. The next morning we took Pierce to play in the pools and lazy river. He had a blast! It was a huge hit. For lunch that day we went to Islamarada's and had some great seafood. After lunch we went to the beach and played in the warm sand and took a little walk until Pierce and Daniel were tuckered out. They took a nap before dinner and then it was back to the pools that night. Pierce was so excited about going to the pool that he was frustrated when it took Daniel and me too long to get ready to go. And the next morning we hit the water again before we had to come back home. Pierce was so tired from all the water play that he slept the whole way home!
Yesterday, we had a surprise three inches of snow. Daniel came home for a couple hours just to play with Pierce in the snow before it melted. They made a cute snow man and threw snowballs for Pickles (our dog) to eat. They had a great time. I had to lure them back inside with hot chocolate or they would have stayed out all day!
For Valentine's, Daniel and I were able to go on a date BY OURSELVES! Daniel arranged the whole thing himself, including getting the babysitter lined up and even picking up dinner for the sitter and Pierce before we left. All I had to do was get ready to go. We went to dinner and a movie, which was absolutely grand! Thanks Daniel! Pierce had a great time with Lindsey, his babysitter. She brought him an ubergigantic Winnie the Pooh heart-shaped balloon for Valentine's Day, which he loved.
I posted pictures of everything in the album. Hope you get a little laugh.
We love you!
Megan, Daniel & Pierce


Blogger Katherine said...

Okay Britts, it's been almost two months since your last update. What happened in March?? Sorry, we missed ya'll when you came through town.

10:37 PM  

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