Friday, April 10, 2009

2 months!

Jacqueline is 2 months old (plus two weeks, but lets just pretend I'm on time :)! She weighs 11lbs, 9oz and is now 23 inches long. So far she's in the 75th percentile all around. Lately, she has been laughing, cooing, eating, and sleeping. Only on occasion will you find her crying. She rolled over from front to back for the first time on the 23rd! Oh yes, and the has FOUND her hands! She loves them! They are almost constantly her first form of entertainment. She has very good control of her arms as well and will swat or sock at whatever she can reach. She is still fascinated by big brother Pierce and awed by Daddy's big voice. She's always trying to catch my eye to flash me a big grin or start a game of peekaboo. We are really getting to know her now, as she voices her opinions clearly on matters like tummy time, the dinner schedule, and that fuzzy rabbit that is always just out of reach ("How dare they!").

We've posted a bunch of new pictures and a video (below) for your own entertainment as well. Thanks for checking in!


The Britts