Friday, April 10, 2009

Pierce's Adventures

So you've all heard about my little sister by now, I guess! I am pleased to announce that she is MY little sister and I am her protector and jester. Besides keeping up the appearance that I still run things around here, I have had quite a time learning lots of new things. You may never have heard the ABC's sung quite the way I sing them! By the way, nevermind what you may have heard before, 'P' is for 'Pierce.' Don't forget! I can count to ten, if I feel like it, too. I count all kinds of things: my fingers and toes, the cars following a train, how many pieces of candy mom will let me have before she draws the line.... Speaking of counting, I finally figured out how to hold up just three of my fingers. As in, "I am going to be THREE years old soon!"
I am CRAZY about airplanes! I like to watch airplanes and I can spot them all the time, even when they are way up high! Sometimes mom and I count how many planes we can see while we are riding in the car. I usually win that game because mom says she has to watch the other cars.
We went on our first trip to Georgia, since Jacqueline was born, the second week in March. It was fun to see Nana and Papa and Tutu and Grandpa Charlie and Gigi and all the Aunts and Uncles and cousin Liana again (boy has she grown)!
Recently, I got to see my Great Grandpa Finn, who I hadn't seen in a while. He came all the way from Nebraska to see me! He was a lot of fun and read me some books and played along with my games.
We've had some fun around here too. We go to the park whenever the weather is nice. I'd be fine with rainy weather, but you know how moms are about getting cold. I have recently overcome the greater portion of my fear of heights. I am totally into the high slide now and I love the big kid swings! I like to visit the animals at Sci Works. The otters are my favorite!
I dyed Easter Eggs a couple days ago. My friends Owen and Mikie came over and we had a blast together. I had been sick for a while so I was especially glad for the company and mom said that it was "good to see other humans" -whatever that means! Yesterday I went to an Easter Egg hunt and had SO much fun finding eggs. I was so excited I even did a little dance! I'm still not sure exactly what Easter is all about, with the eggs and the baskets and all the white flowers. My mom says its the day we celebrate Jesus always being here for us. I get a little excited about that too, because I'm very curious about Jesus these days!
I hope you have a Happy Easter!


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