Wednesday, October 11, 2006

New Website

Ok, so I'm sure you have all noticed that things have changed a bit...alright, a lot. The bare naked truth is that we ran out of space at babysites because I am picture happy. This new site will still feature the same fun, so-adorable-you-can-hardly-stand-it baby though, so you should still visit. We will continue to plague you with update announcements and I am relatively certain that there is no opt out button for you to click or any federal regulation on this sort of thing, so if you don't want them you are out of luck.
The most beautiful thing in the world is asleep in his crib right now, but when he is awake he is doing the most incredible new things! Like singing. He can really belt it out and he does so about once every three hours. On Saturday, he woke Daniel and me with a beautiful opera in first tenor (more like soprano, but don't tell his Dad I said that!). You can watch his opera by clicking HERE. And you have got to see him pounding away at his piano ( CLICK HERE to watch)! He is becoming a great "air swimmer" too. I'm not sure that is a perfect description of what he is doing, so I'll be sure to include some footage of that for your sheer enjoyment in the near future.

Pierce's 4 month checkup was on Monday. Doctor Lee told us that he weighs 17 lbs 2 oz! She was pretty impressed by his coordination and his "social skills." She said that we could start giving him a little bit of rice cereal too, so we decided to try that out and Pierce had his first bite of "real" food on Wednesday. You can CLICK HERE to see what his reaction was.
You can view Pierce's new photos by clicking the "photos" button on the right side of the screen too.
Anyway, I hope you all like the new site. If you have any trouble, let me know and I'll try to fix it. Love you!