Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First Birthday!

Today was one of those days that are spent with such an awareness of the past that you think you could lose sight of what’s ahead…but you don’t. Pierce turned one today and as each hour passed, we couldn’t help but reflect on the day he’ll never remember and we’ll never forget. This day last year was filled with so much overwhelming joy and awe.
Gratefully, today was another one of those unforgettable days. I haven’t cried…yet. We started off a little behind schedule when Pierce let both mom and dad “sleep in” until 8:01am for the first time in his whole life. Not to be thought of as slothful, he popped straight up and proceeded to tell us that the fan in our bedroom should be on for him to watch. Dad decided that it was time to make breakfast anyway, so he cooked Pierce’s favorite breakfast: eggs, sausage, and pancakes. Pierce ate ferociously before he decided it was time to get out of the highchair and on to more interesting things.
We turned the car seat to face forward for the first time today and we drove to Atlanta. Pierce ate his birthday lunch at the Spaghetti Factory. He had spaghetti with meat sauce, which is one of his favorites. He also had applesauce and milk, all of which covered the floor beneath our table by the time we were through (that was not to out-of-the-ordinary). He had a grand time making everyone in the restaurant coo and make silly at him.
We went straight to the Georgia Aquarium from the restaurant and he was in awe of all of the fish and displays. He wasn’t sure if there was really something between him and the fish for a while and kept bumping his hand or his head against the aquarium glass! He would point and smile or just watch with a glazed expression. He also was able to touch some stingrays, shrimp, horse shoe crabs, and star fish, but I think he was just as excited about the water as he was about the fish. He watched a movie in the 4D theater. He refused to keep his 3D glasses on, but since it was a 4D theater there were other things popping out at him, like bubbles and air and water shooting and sprinkling around him. He was really into the bubbles and a little annoyed by the water sprinkling.
He slept on the way home from the aquarium. We ate dinner and then he got to dig into his birthday cake. It was a little vanilla cake with butter crème icing and he loved it! He grabbed handfuls and shoved it into his mouth and made an impressive mess. From there, it was straight to the bath and then to bed, where he went to sleep with as much enthusiasm as he had for anything else in the day. Hopefully he is having wonderful dreams about all the things that God has in store for his future.
So, here I am, the proud mother of a one year old. I’m not sure about other mothers, but my dreams about my baby never ventured beyond the first several months. Looking back, I never pictured myself with a toddler, but now I can’t imagine life without his ever developing personality.
I added a new photo album so you can see how we spent the day!
We love you all!