Friday, March 16, 2007

Just Because

Hi Everybody!!!

We just thought we'd check in. Actually, we just wanted to show off Pierce some more. He's so busy, fast, and totally interactive, not to mention the most adorable thing on the planet (biased? us?).
Well, Pierce has ANOTHER new tooth, that makes 4 total and we think his eye teeth on the top are getting ready to come in. He plays a mean game of peekaboo and he is learning that people, and other things, don't disappear when he can't see them. He also LOVES dropping objects on the floor just to see them fall and probably also to watch Dad pick them back up (sucker!).
Anyway, Pierce loves having his picture taken so I thought you'd like to see what he's been up to these last few days, new facial accessories and incredible leaps in cognition later. Check out the new pictures entitled "jUsT fOr FuN!"
We love you all!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Britt Happenings

I know everybody is ready to breathe fire at us for not posting last month. Before the brimstone wafts our way...this has been our craziest couple of months yet! AND you'll be happy when I post all the pictures. So much has happened! Pierce has three shiny new teeth to adorn his already gorgeous face, he's walking (ha ha just kidding), he's sitting up on his own, he's crawling (he really is!), he's pulling up, and he is FAST. No more of this grunting and gasping until he finally gets somewhere. He is on the move!
Early this month, we thought we were just dealing with some serious teething symptoms when we decided to take Pierce to the pediatrician and found out he had an ear infection in both ears. The next day he also had a tooth pop through. It was the top right. The top left followed a few days later. This past week the poor little guy had the flu (his Mom and Dad did too, but I know you're not here to read about us!). He was just getting over it when he started getting cranky again and yesterday morning tooth number three, the lower left, came in. I have a feeling that the bottom right one is not far behind.
In the midst of all of this chaos, Pierce has been scooting around like crazy. He would sort of do the "elephant walk" on his hands and feet and combine that with rolling and so forth until he would get to wherever it was that he was going. Because of all of that, he accidentally figured out how to sit up on his own and has been doing that with ease for several weeks now. And gradually he learned to move one limb forward at a time and is now crawling. It was incredible to watch the progress!
Of the gross motor skills, the newest has been pulling up. One night a couple weeks ago, after we all had been in bed fast asleep for a couple of hours, we heard him grunting and then crying frantically. We went in there and he was standing up, hanging onto the rails for dear life and didn't know how to get back down! Since then, he has learned to pull up quite efficiently on just about anything, though we still have to stay near because he is not very steady yet.
We went for his 9 month well baby visit on Tuesday and learned that he is in the 90th percentile for his height at 28 inches! Watch out, Dad!
Well, be sure to check out the pictures! I have video of him crawling and other fun stuff coming, but it may take a few days while we learn the new editing software we are trying out.

We love you all!