Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

We have had such a whirlwind holiday season that we haven't been able to update Pierce's website. We haven't taught him how to write html yet, so we apologize for the lack of communication! We hope that, in spite of our failings, you had a wonderful Christmas and rang in the New Year with as much flair as you felt.

As for us, we did have a great Christmas. Pierce was all the entertainment we could want and he was having a blast eating wrapping paper and bows. The bows were his favorite. After Christmas he came down with a cold and was miserable with a fever for a couple days. I think he was more upset about us not letting him eat paper anymore than he was about his fever though. He recovered quickly from the cold, but still has the residual side-effects of the Christmas paper.

Our New Year celebration has been very low key. Pierce went to bed at about 8:00 and was sawing logs to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne." I'm going to make another "new parents" joke: You know you're a new parent when you want sleep more than you want to see the big peach drop (for our out-of-state family, that's Georgia's version of the NY ball)!

Pierce turned 7 months old on the 23rd of December and we are just amazed at all the fun he is now. He sits up all on his own and has started doing a combination of rolling, scooting, and backstroking his way to whatever he wants. At his doctors appointment we found out that he has lost 4 oz (they said probably because he wasn't feeling well and because he was so much more active) so he is down to 18lbs 8 oz. He has been a little crabby lately because he is really trying to cut his teeth. Now, I have been warned that they may take a long time to come in by some, and admonished by others to enjoy the tooth-free state we are in now because he will get them in the twinkling of an seems that both parties are equally correct: they can't come fast enough for the frustration they cause and I am scared to death of them in the same breath!
But tonight we decided that they are definitely poking through a little and he decided that he had enough of our fingers in his mouth so that's the last report from battleground Lower Central Incisor for a while.

Thanks so much for "tuning in!" We love you all! Hope this year is your best yet!