Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Hi to all!
The last month has been a whirlwind! We had a trip to Texas at the end of October to see family. Pierce was very good for the ride to and from and slept most of the way. He got to see his great-grandparents and his great aunt and uncles and a couple cousins. He had entertainment to boot. I think he was a little disappointed in my performance as an entertainer after having had cousins Justen and Daniel to keep him happy and laughing for almost two weeks! You can see the dance that cousin Daniel did to keep him occupied here. Our little guy also found his toes in Texas...of course, he already had them, he just hadn't TASTED them yet. Watch his toe eating contest here.
Pierce had an appointment a few weeks ago and he weighed in at 18lbs, 3 oz. We get a lot of comments about football scholarships. He now eats a small variety of food, including rice, oatmeal, and yellow squash. He has slowly learned to like eating semi-solids. We prepare his food at home in the blender, so its nice and fresh. I blended his squash a few days ago, and when he tasted it he shuddered and was so disgusted! Just two days later, and a few big messes and he now eats it without spitting it back at me.
Another exciting development is that he can sit up without assistance for a few minutes at a time. We have to stay right there with him, or put pillows all around him though, because he will eventually fall over. He really enjoys sitting up, with a toy in his lap to play with and it is so cute! Click here to watch one of his first upright play times. Daniel has also caught Pierce trying to get up on his knees a couple of times now, which is a little scary, because he already grabs at anything within his reach. I can only imagine what life will be like when he's mobile! Even as I type this he is trying to scoot off his play mat to get me. He has a new laugh that you just have to hear for here!
Pierce has graduated from his little squeaking to babbling and making "word-noises." He really tries to talk now and his tone changes for his mood. We really think our baby is a social genius!
We have so much to be thankful for. This thanksgiving, those things are very apparent to us. We are especially thankful for family and our friends who have helped us make it through to Pierce's 6 months milestone! We hope that God will bless each of you by making His provision just as apparent. We love you! Happy Thanksgiving! And don't forget to check out the new photo album!